HotBitDeal complies with all globally jurisdictional rules. Compulsory permits and/or permissions may be necessary in a number of relevant jurisdictions where related operations may take place, depending on the other country's policies. Any necessary permits or permissions will be obtained in a certain time frame, at a specific place, or at all. This implies that all of the efforts detailed in this whitepaper may not be developed and implemented in all geographic zones.
No Advice
Any proposal presented in the whitepaper is provided solely for educational reasons and does not constitute financial advice. This whitepaper does not constitute any investment advice or suggestion on the merits of acquiring HBD token by HotBitDeal, its officers, directors, managers, employees, agents, advisers, or consultants, and should not be relied upon in conjunction with any other contract or purchase decision.
No Representation
No Promise have been made to the recipient of the whitepaper to the advisors for the compliance or accuracy of the statement, opinions, facts or matter that is in white paper or arising out of whitepaper Which is accessible in the event of any subsequent enquiries, regardless of any carelessness, default, or lack of care, is disclaimed.
This whitepaper is available in only English language, any kind of translation made orally or in written will be for understanding purpose, No Assurity can be made Behalf of the management for the Translation.
At the end, We would like to assure that all the changes are due to market volatility, HotBitDeal investors have planned and designed it for the long run, there is always going to safety and security of transactions, money and rewards, The platform is Human interference free.
Last updated